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Certificate Of Protest Of Commercial Paper


State of [State of certificate]

County of [County of certificate]

On [date], at the request of [holder of instrument], of [address of holder of instrument], [city of holder of instrument], [County of holder of instrument], [state of holder of instrument], I, [Name of notary], a duly commissioned and sworn notary public, residing at [address of notary], [city of notary], [County of notary], [state of notary], did during the business hours of this day present the original instrument that is annexed to this certificate to [maker or as case may be], of [address of maker], [city of maker], [County of maker], [state of maker], and demand payment thereof. Payment was refused for the following reason:

Whereupon, I, at the request of [holder of instrument], did protest and do hereby protest against every [maker or as the case may be] and indorser and against all others against whom it is proper to protest, for exchange, re-exchange, and all costs, damages, and interest already incurred and to be incurred on this instrument.

I do hereby certify on the day written above that notice of protest, demand, and nonpayment of the instrument described above was served on the following parties at the following addresses:
[designate names and addresses]. The notices were served by [registered or certified] mail, with postage prepaid and returned receipt requested. The addresses to which the notices were sent are the addresses given in the instrument or, if no addresses were given in the instrument, the addresses used were the reputed places of residence or business of the parties.

In testimony whereof, I have set my hand and affixed my seal on the day first above written. My commission expires on [date commission expires].

Amount protested is: [Amount protested]

Amount due on instrument $ [Amount due on instrument]

Interest due from [date of interest due]

Protest fee [Protest fee]

Notice fee [Notice fee]

Postage [Postage]

Total $ [Total]

[Signature of Notary Public]